What Is Nail Fungus?
Tinea Ingium is a fungus that lives under the nail. The nail fungus feeds off of the nails natural keratin, because the fungus reaches deep into the cells nail fungus used to be difficult to treat.
What Are The Symptoms Of Nail Fungus?
Nail fungus is easy to diagnose and is quite obvious. A nail infected by tinea ingium or nail fungus becomes brittle and discolored. The infected nail may also become thick and chalky or disintegrate and fall off completely.

How Is Nail Fungus Treated?
The most common treatment for nail fungus are prescription drugs. The drugs can have serious side effects like liver damage and take months to be effective. Nail Fungus No More Extra Strength offers a safe and effective all-natural alternative to these dangerous prescription drugs.
How does Nail Fungus No More Extra Strength work?
Nail Fungus No More Extra Srength uses organic plant extracts and essential oils to kill the nail fungus. These same extracts and oils stop the fungus from germinating thus avoiding any future relapses.
The organic oils in Nail Fungus No More Extra Srength are absorbed quickly and efficiently by the cell membranes. Within the cell membranes the extracts and oils have a wide spectrum effect on the fungus. Since Nail Fungus No More Extra Srength is absorbed directly into the cell membranes it kills the fungus on and under the nail within days without any negative side effects.
Within twenty four hours the affected nail will begin to restore it’s natural color and thickness. While killing the nail fungus Nail Fungus No More Extra Srength will also assist with skin healing and tissue repair, so that you can have sandal ready feet within days instead of months.
How is Nail Fungus No More used?
Nail Fungus No More Extra Srength is a liquid that is applied to the nail three times a day. To kill nail fungus, apply one or two drops of Nail Fungus No More Extra Srength to the nail bed of the affected nail. Before applying the liquid clean the nail with soap and warm water, find out more.
Are there other uses for Nail Fungus No More?
Studies have shown that Nail Fungus No More Extra Srength effectively kills the fungus that causes athletes foot. Nail Fungus No More’s wide spectrum capability of killing fungus is what makes it effective in curing athletes foot.
What if I am Unhappy with the Results of Nail Fungus No More Extra Srength?

Nail Fungus No More Extra Srength has a full money back guarantee. Just visit the Forces of Nature web site within sixty days of your purchase date and download a one page return certificate. The certificate only asks for the date of your purchase and the invoice code. The certificate can then be mailed to Forces of Nature at Forces of Nature Attn: RETURNS, 55 Galli Dr, Suite C, Navato, CA 94949.