The people of this world can do anything to get popular. They share their photographs, pest comments and do many other things to get noticed by the people. Long before the era of social media, people used to take part in elections to get popular and to be known by the people. While they take part in the elections, their photographs are posted on the walls over the streets. This was a publicity stunt and people do notice them. Soon they realised, election is not the correct way of getting famous. The modern world with this era of social media can be used to be popular among the people over the world. There is no limit of the people who can see your photographs and the number of friends you have from around the world. The best thing bout the internet is that you can talk to anywhere in the world, just by sitting at your house.
About the Instagram

Instagram is newly emerged social networking website. This is becoming very popular day by day and the number of people using this has gone very high in a very less time. You can share your photos, thoughts and other things on the Instagram with the millions of people available to like your posts. People from around the world come closer to each other with the help of Instagram. Instagram can be used on the android an IOS platform device. You have to download the application present in the app store available for the platforms. The application synchronises the camera of your device and helps you directly post the photographs taken to the Instagram. This helps you get the maximum numbers of followers and likes on your photographs. Your friends from around the world can see your posts and photographs. They will also be able to like them. You can make the best out of your pictures by editing them with the editor, which is inbuilt in the Instagram application, click here for more info. The better the picture, the more you get the likes. It is about getting likes and the followers on the internet, which tells how popular you are.
Easy way to increase the number of likes and followers
People want to get popular over the internet and for this they will do anything. You can be popular by two ways. Upload the photos and posts in a regular interval, but do not do this too many times. Soon people will start noticing you and you will get the likes and followers. This is a slow process and will take time. You can have the other way, which says that you can get the number of likes and followers just by paying some money. There are certain people who are specialised in increasing the likes and the followers. They will charge you some money for the process and they will give you the proper work. The likes and the followers will be from the real people and not from the fake IDs. The charge they take for their work is totally worth it.