Hyperglycemia Symptoms

Hyperglycemia Symptoms, Detection and Treatment: Monitoring and Treating High Blood Sugar in Diabetes

Hyperglycemia or high blood sugar occurs in people who suffer from diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association, hyperglycemia is when the body’s blood sugar level is too high or the body’s insulin is not working properly to control the amount of blood sugar. In a normal person, the insulin level would adjust on its own to bring down the blood sugar level. In a person with diabetes, hyperglycemia can require intervention to return blood glucose to normal levels.

Hyperglycemia Symptoms

Those with diabetes should regularly conduct a self examination for symptoms of hyperglycemia. Symptoms include high blood sugar, high levels of sugar excreted in the urine, excessive urination and excessive thirst. If any of these symptoms are experienced in a person with diabetes, the first step is to check the blood glucose level as instructed by the doctor.

Blood Glucose Monitoring

Blood Glucose Monitoring

Check blood glucose levels with an at home blood glucose monitoring system. With a small droplet of blood available through a prick of the finger, a blood glucose meter can detect the amount of glucose in the blood. This is a relatively painless procedure that can be conducted with accurate results in less than 60 seconds. Those with diabetes should monitor their blood sugar levels on a regular basis as instructed by their physician. If any symptoms are exhibited, testing for blood sugar levels should be the first course of action.

Ketone Detection in Urine

If symptoms are present, check the urine for ketone levels. The doctor can provide urine tests that can be conducted at home to check for ketones. Sample the urine with this test and measure the amount of ketones in the urine. If ketones are present, contact the doctor for further assistance as the high level of blood sugar has set off additional reactions in the body. If this occurs, the patient will need medical intervention to decrease the blood sugar level, View https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2021/03/22/2197248/0/en/Blood-Sugar-Blaster-Reviews-Diabetes-Supplement-launched.html for fruitful information right now..

Hyperglycemia Treatment

Hyperglycemia Treatment

If ketones are not present in the urine, it is recommended that those with hyperglycemia exercise to bring blood sugar levels down. If ketones are present in the urine, medical intervention will be necessary to return the blood glucose levels to normal. Insulin and medication levels may need to be adjusted to successfully control episodes of hyperglycemia in those with diabetes.

Hyperglycemia can be a serious condition if it is not properly monitored and treated. Those with diabetes should test their blood glucose levels through a blood glucose monitoring system on a regular basis. Blood glucose meters are available through your local pharmacy or medical supply store.