3D Doodler World's First 3D Printing Pen

3D Doodler World’s First 3D Printing Pen Lets You Draw in Air

I heard about 3d printing technology before. My son asked me about it recently so I did some researches and got to know about the latest 3d printing technologies. I was also searching if there is any 3d printer which is affordable for me and me and my son can play with it – something easy to use I mean, you know.

The first and only Printed 3D gadget, also the world’s first and only pen you can draw a physical object in thin air and be able to read it. 3Doodler, the world’s first printed 3D pen making 3D doodling a doodle. The doodler allows the most fun, affordable and convenient way to printing in 3D. It’s a gadget that can be used in minutes without any software, computers and without having any technical know how.

So let’s take a closer look to see exactly what a 3Doodler is.

It’s a plastic extrusion plastic pen that looks like a hot glue gun. It heats the plastic filament to about 5l8 degrees Fahrenheit. Unlike the glue gun, it cools instantly letting you to be able to lift the item off any surface and draw in mid-air. The pen is plastic and is about the size of a large pickle. I measures 7 inches by 1 inch.

This gadget starts the rise of and to the 3D printing process. This 3Doodler, printed 3d is hand held. It is the cheapest 3D printing device on the market today. It is 3D printing at your finger tips. The “3Doodler Wobble Works Printer” plans on selling for $75.00.

I am planning on purchasing a 3Doodler, maybe 2 or 3 of them. It is a must have item for any place a 3D printer or when a 3d drawer is needed. You also might need one as a Doodler pen to draw your doodles with which can become reality, click here for more info.

Plastics-Drawing in Printed 3D

Plastics-Drawing in Printed 3D

The 3Doodler can weld plastics together. The gadget lets you hand draw 3D objects in real time. This is a new way of drawing connecting 3D objects out of thin air. It can draw plastic sculptures, trace, scribble, make art, jewelry and just plain doodle.

If you can wave you finger in the air then you can use a 3Doodler. It fuses drawings together and lets us draw in thin air. It’s 3D drawing at your finger tips in real time!!