SparkPeople, an internet website where participants can find meal plans, fitness plans, nutrition trackers, and more, is helping people start 2020 by getting fit and losing weight. The Spark People Boot Camp starts January 3rd, 2020. The simple plan has everything participants need to jump start 2020 with a healthier lifestyle.
The 2020 SparkPeople Boot Camp involves a 10 minute exercise video, 6 days per week. These 10 minute video segments are available on the SparkPeople website and are posted each day for participants to watch on the computer and work out with. In addition to the 6 days per week 10 minute exercise video, SparkPeople Boot Camp participants are asked to do 30 minutes of cardio 5 days per week.
SparkPeople sends Boot Camp participants weekly emails with tips for sticking with the plan and additional challenges to help motivate all members of the team. SparkPeople Boot Camp even gives away weekly prizes to some lucky participants.

SparkPeople is a completely free website and can be found. All of the tools available on SparkPeople are free to use including the videos.
While the SparkPeople Boot Camp is intended to truly challenge participants, and therefore will be challenging in terms of the difficulty of the exercise videos, following the Boot Camp plan is not difficult. Having a foreseeable end to any program is a great way to motivate participants. With all of the tools available right in one place, many people are sure to start their 2020 on the right healthy foot by trying the SparkPeople Boot Camp.
If you are interested in joining SparkPeople or the SparkPeople Boot Camp visit their website at . Register for your free account then find the SparkPeople Boot Camp team in the teams area of the Community section of the site.
Here’s to a healthy and happy 2020!