How to Link Two Wireless Routers Together

How to Link Two Wireless Routers Together

Many home wireless Internet users have a router connected to the high-speed Internet modem inside the house (where the Internet connection originates). The Internet signal is sent out through the router so a computer with wireless capabilities can access the Internet (most computers currently produced are now able to connect to a Wi-Fi signal).

In case the signal is not strong enough to reach all areas of the house or location, it is possible to connected two routers together to increase the signal strength.

Install Wireless Routers

Install Wireless Routers

Place the two routers close enough together to be connected by a LAN (Ethernet) cable. You can purchase Ethernet cables in just about any size, so this should never be an issue, regardless of where you place the two wireless routers. You do want to make sure the two routers are spread out enough to completely cover your entire home or office.

Connect Ethernet Cable

Plug one end of an Ethernet cables into the WAN connection of the main computer. Attach the other end of the Ethernet cable to “Port 1” of the first router (the ports will be labeled on the router). This is also often known as an “Out” port on the wireless router, more helpful hints.

Connect Second Wireless Router

Take another LAN cable and plug it into the second port of the first router. Plug the other end of the LAN cable into the “In” port on the second router. Power on both routers.

Activate Wireless Router

Look on the bottom of the first wireless router. An HTTP address is listed here. Start the Internet browser on your computer, then type in the HTTP address and press “Enter.” Momentarily the access page loads for the wireless router. Type in your desired username and password, then choose the Internet connection you are using (DSL or cable). Click “Save” to save the changes.

Repeat the process on the second wireless router to activate it. Once complete you are able to access the Internet on either of the wireless routers you have connected to your high-speed Internet source.

Often times, when using a wireless Internet connection at home the provided wireless router is unable to cover your entire house. This leaves empty spots in the Wi-Fi coverage.

However, it is possible to correct this issue by hooking up a second wireless router to the current equipment. This doubles your coverage span, allowing you to gain access to the Internet anywhere in your home (and in your yard).