Do you want to use Facebook to stay connected to your friends and relatives? Do you want to be a member of this largest social networking website? Like billions of other people, you can also start your journey on the social networking platform without any kind of inconvenience. Facebook is definitely the most popular social networking platform from many years and there are billions of active users regularly on this platform. Now, you can also get started on Facebook without having any kind of inconvenience with the complete information here.
If you want to know more about how do I get started on Facebook, you will find the process quite easy and fast for it. You just need to follow the procedure given below to get started on Facebook:

1. Create Your Account on Facebook:
First of all, you will need to create your account on Facebook. Just visit the website of Facebook and you will find the option of creating a new account on Facebook. You will enter the details about your email address, phone number, name, date of birth, gender and password to create your account. After that, you will get a confirmation email address and you will successfully create your account after confirming your email address.
2. Set up Your Profile:

After successfully completing the process of sign up on Facebook, you will need to set up your profile. You will find options to add more details about your life on your profile. You can enter the details about your location, education, work profile, hobbies and more on your profile. You will also find the options to upload your profile picture and cover photo on your profile so that people can recognize you with it.
3. Post Something on Your Timeline:
Facebook allows you to share any text post, image, video, location, activity and more on your timeline. You will be able to find out the options to share anything as per your choice on your Facebook Timeline. You can also select the privacy settings so that your selected people can watch your posts on your profile and timeline.
4. Settings and Privacy:
Facebook understands the importance of privacy and security settings for every user. In your profile, you will be able to choose several types of security and privacy settings. In the option of settings, you will find many options that you can choose according to this website so that you can keep your information and profile protected from any unwanted access by any unwanted user on Facebook.

Therefore, and the process is quite easier when you want to know how do I get started on Facebook. You will also find options to join groups and pages on Facebook as per your choice. If you are having any kind of inconvenience to use any feature of Facebook, you will be able to get help 24/7 with their experts. In the help section, you can easily find out any kind of information or help whenever you need it.