It is no bad thing to monitor your health. Huge watches and apps on our phone count steps, test heart rate, count calories, record training, and … Track sleep. Yeah, we want to track everything, including the shut eye every night. But is it safe to deliberately run something on your body or next to you when you are sleeping? Let us look closer. Let us look closer.
How Do Sleep Tracking Exercise Trackers?

Many fitness trackers have a way to track sleep because it plays an important role in our overall health. Sleep trackers will tell you how much and how long it took you to get dormant in the middle of the night. It tracks sleep patterns over time to help you understand and change your own sleep patterns with this data.
But fitness trackers can detect sleep quality or when entering the REM cycle. Understanding how you reach the sleep phases is important, since it consolidates memory and releases hormones when your muscles recover.
Are Trackers Secure For Sleep?
As sleep trackers measure moving over time, is something that emanates invasive radio frequencies safe to be near to?
Fitness trackers monitor movement with an accelerometer, which is a vibration measuring instrument. It also implies that a certain amount of motion means that you are awake, while zero movement means that you sleep. The instrument uses an actigraph to monitor the body’s level of operation. That is how many sleep clinicians sleep. Bear in mind that this sleep measurement method is useful, but limited.
To get a closer look at the consistency of your sleep, you have to go to a sleep laboratory for that. Investigators use polysomnography that monitors brain waves, the amount of oxygen, eye movement, heart rate and muscle activity when sleeping with various instruments. This form of test is commonly prescribed for those suffering from narcolepsy, sleep apnea, REM sleeping disorder or chronic insomnia.
In sleep trackers, a major problem is that the systems overestimate the amount of sleep that can distort the sleep data overall. It does not cause cancer too much, but its activity monitoring metrics are not always reliable.
If you just want a fair indicator of your sleeping habits, go to a sleep laboratory where you can test any sleep disorders. Otherwise fitness trackers would only use an accelerometer to monitor the sleep patterns.
Sensor researchers claim that “these consumer devices may also lead to worse sleep and life quality by providing such inaccurate information, because they can concern users with often negative outputs highlighting poor sleep nights” see to know about smartwatches.

We are encouraged to use these devices to monitor our sleep but then fed misleading information about our sleep quality. This generates a negative feedback circuit. And if we have a good night’s sleep, if our gadgets may not agree, we cannot notice it.
Sleep monitoring provides little or no value and drains a wearable device’s battery life only when it is not needed by the user.