DVC resale is an exciting way to take advantage of the DVC program. DVC Resale allows you to sell your existing points without having to transfer them. You can also combine it with other features, such as the DVC Points Rewards card, for extra bonus points. Here’s how it works.
How Does DVC Resale Work

You can sell your points for cash, gift cards, or merchandise. DVC Resale is a fast and easy way to buy or sell your Disney Vacation Club points. You will need to register online through the site’s portal, but it’s free and takes less than five minutes.
How Do I Get Started?
If you are new to DVC Resale, simply go to the site and register online. You will need your Disney Vacation Club member number, name and email address. You can also create a username or log in using Facebook or Twitter if you have a social media account. You will then be asked to provide your credit card information and other details about the DVC Resale program. The site will confirm that you are eligible for DVC Resale, and send you an email with instructions on how to complete the process.
The Difference between Buying and Selling DVC
When you sell your points, you can choose to keep the same number of points or increase it. You also have the option to convert them into cash, gift cards, or merchandise. DVC Resale is available for all Disney Vacation Club members with current membership and active reservations on a valid booking. If you sell your points, we will then need to verify that the new owner is a member of the Disney Vacation Club. We may also ask for proof of ownership such as a valid photo ID and/or copies of your DVC contract.
How Do You Sell Your DVC For Bitcoin Or Cash?
It is easy to sell your DVC points online for cash, gift cards, or merchandise. Just go to DVCsales.com and register to sell your points. Once you are registered, go to the page where you can list your DVC points for sale and follow the instructions.
What Are Some Things to Consider When Buying From A Resale
When buying from a resale, there are some things to consider. The first is the cost of buying DVC points from a resale website. If you are buying DVC points for a family member, it is often cheaper to buy them from Disney directly. If you are buying the points as an investment or for your own personal use, it can be more cost-effective to purchase through one of the online resale websites.
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